“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”

Alan Watts.

Luisa Baltazar, a Senior Consultant, a multi business Founder and a Mentor that everyday gets $#it done.

A natural born communicator in search for the paths that may take her curiosity from knowledge to wisdom with intrinsic skills essential for strategy and implementation. And a strong believer that communication is dialogue, dialogue is learning and learning is constant evolution.

openmediavault 5.x documentation — …:2021-5-13 · openmediavault 5.x documentation¶ openmediavault is a complete network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It’s available for x86-64 and ARM platforms. Features a full Web Administration interface. Can be controlled via SSH, if enabled.

A marketer focused on priorities, results and quality of outputs fuelled by a passion for innovation. Still caring a drive to learn and move forward after 20 years of career in the MKT, HR, Start-up and IT worlds in the Silicon Valley in the USA as well as Europe at multiple and worldwide companies and organisations from diverse industries.

A “self & others” made person at life and business that has gathered under her belt tools, knowledge, experiences and initiatives for the entrepreneurial ecosystem including having started a few businesses of her own and by launching Pro-bono and Volunteer Projects that she believes move the needle for a better future and world.

A happy nomad warrior soul from Lisbon with a heart from Alentejo, Portugal and from the Bay Area, USA who is the mother and educator of 2 amazing kids, that everyday remind her that she is in no way half-done in life, she is just starting.

8个最佳免费和开源NAS或SAN软件(2021年) - NAS存储 ...:2021-9-4 · OpenMediaVault(OMV) Openfiler Rockstor Nexenta社区版 Amahi CryptoNAS FreeNAS FreeNAS是最流行的免费和开源NAS操作系统,具有企业级功能和企业级ZFS开源文件系统。它可众虚拟安装,也可众安装在硬件上,众创建集中式数据环境。它提供的界面

And now and then, finds the time to write on her blog about things that Pop-up to her mind.

Know more about Thy work or visit Thy blog. May it be of value and useful to you.